Talk About An Expensive Conversation!
How can talking on my cell phone raise my car insurance rate?
Everyone has a cell phone, and we all make mistakes, but did you know that getting a ticket for using your cell phone or texting while driving can raise your car insurance rates for years? Fortunately, there may be something you can do about it! Every state is different, but some states allow for specific classes that can keep the violation invisible to insurance companies, apply insurance discounts, or otherwise make a serious financial impact on the costs accrued due to that cell phone ticket. Below are 3 easy examples, listed by state, of what you can do when you get a cellphone ticket.
In the case of Arizona, a cellphone ticket (Violation Code 28-914) can be mitigated with a Defensive Driving School (DDS), thus preventing your insurance from going up by as much as 30%. Click HERE for more details.
In Oregon, a standard cellphone ticket for a first-time offense (ORS 811.507) can carry a $1,000 fine! Yikes. Did you know that the court can suspend that cost if you take a state-approved Distracted Driving Avoidance course?
For California, cell phone tickets are fairly unforgiving (Vehicle Code Sections 23123 and 23123.5 CVC). While the base fine for a first-time cell phone ticket is $20, with 2nd offenses increasing to $50, when you factor in the other processing fees and fine assessments, you're looking at up to $250, and that is before the insurance company sees it. Although there is no California class to prevent this outright, senior drivers (aged 55+) may be able to attend a Mature Driver class to reduce that financial impact by applying for an insurance discount. Read our California page for more details on the CA Mature Driver course.
What if my car insurance company has already seen the cell phone ticket on my record? Insurance companies calculate some of the biggest factors when determining your rates as the presence of previous tickets and demerit points, such as distracted driving, texting while driving, or just plain speeding tickets. But did you know that some states have a way to add safe driving points or remove demerit points from your record? You only need a few hours and a standard-issued driver's license. - Nevada grants Nevada drivers a 3-point credit for taking a simple 5-hour class. - Virginia offers a class for a 5-point credit to your record! - New Jersey permits a 2-point credit. - Alaska allows you to add 2 safe driving points or reduce 2 demerit points.
Not all cell phone tickets for talking or texting while driving carry demerit points, but they will still appear on your driving record and can be seen by your auto insurance provider. With that in mind, you may have a secret weapon that not everyone knows about. Some insurance companies allow voluntary driver improvement programs that can grant you insurance discounts, even if you have previous tickets on your record. So be sure to contact your insurance company; if approved, enrollment is just a simple phone call away 800-800-3579. We hope this has given you the tools to obtain safe driving points, fight back against the results of cellphone tickets, and counter the rising insurance costs associated with them.
What if my car insurance company has already seen the cell phone ticket on my record?
Insurance companies calculate some of the biggest factors when determining your rates as the presence of previous tickets and demerit points, such asdistracted driving, texting while driving, or just plain speeding tickets. But did you know that some states have a way to add safe driving points or removedemerit points from your record? You only need a few hours and a standard-issued driver's license.
- Nevada grants Nevada drivers a 3-point credit for taking a simple 5-hour class.
- Virginia offers a class for a 5-point credit to your record!
- New Jersey permits a 2-point credit.
- Alaska allows you to add 2 safe driving points or reduce 2 demerit points.
Not all cell phone tickets for talking or texting while driving carry demerit points, but they will still appear on your driving record and can be seen by your auto insurance provider. With that in mind, you may have a secret weapon that not everyone knows about. Some insurance companies allow voluntary driver improvement programs that can grant you insurance discounts, even if you have previous tickets on your record. So be sure to contact your insurance company; if approved, enrollment is just a simple phone call away 800-800-3579.