- Florida Licensed and Court Approved
- Work at Your Own Pace
- Easy to Complete
- Honest Pricing - No Hidden Fees
- Instant Completion Certificate
- Unlimited Exam Retakes - You Can't Fail!
To meet a requirement for the Learner's License, you may take our TLSAE Program.

Basic Driver Improvement 4-HR

Our two BDI offerings are for dismissing a traffic ticket and its points or fulfilling a DHSMV letter requirement. Includes certificate.
Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI)
If you received a letter from the DHSMV or Court telling you to take a 12-HR ADI course for license suspension. Includes both certificates.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Any fine amount due to the court must be paid to the court prior to attending traffic school.
You will want to complete the course in plenty of time to get the certificate or to the court or DHSMV prior to the due date provided by your court of the DHSMV.
Because different counties and courts use different names for their local traffic schools, the state of Florida DHSMV has adopted many names, including:
- Florida 4 hour course.
- Defensive Driving.
- Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC).
- Traffic School.
- Basic Driver Improvement (BDI).
- Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI).
TrafficSchoolOnline.com is approved to offer all of these courses in Florida.
TrafficSchoolOnline is a licensed provider. We are licensed by the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Our School identification number is 21809.
The ticket dismissal course can be taken once in any 12-month period but no more than five times in your lifetime.
All other course types can be taken any time without restriction.
If you choose to pay the civil penalty or are declared guilty by a judge, your driver record will be assessed as follows:
- Moving Violations - 3 points
- Speeding 15 m.p.h or less over posted speed - 3 points
- Speeding more than 15 m.p.h. over posted speeds - 4 points
- Passing stopped school bus - 4 points
- Moving violation (non-speeding) resulting in a crash - 4 points
- Unlawful speed resulting in a crash - 6 points
- Reckless driving (criminal traffic violation) - 4 points
- Leaving scene of crash with damage - 6 points
- Littering - 3 points
- Violation of child restraint laws 3 points
If you accumulate:
- 12 points in 12 months, your license will be suspended for 30 days
- 18 points within 18 months results in a 3 month suspension
- 24 points within 36 months results in a 12 month suspension
If you have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) and have been cited for speeding more than 30 MPH over the limit, you may not attend traffic school.
If you have taken a traffic school (BDI) course to dismiss a ticket within the past 12 months, or if you have elected five times within your lifetime, you cannot take a traffic school course.
Otherwise, you're eligible!
The Florida DHSMV offers a free service that can tell you which court you need to contact. The service is called Driver License Check. This service will provide the name of the court and their phone number.
If you need to know what your ticket is for and how much you’ll need to pay, please contact them for details.
The course is approved to meet the state's 4 Hour minimum requirement but there are no timers, therefore the length of time you spend in the course is up to you.
Your certificate is sent to the court/DMV and/or a printable download is provided immediately upon completion; according to the court or DMV requirements.
- Ticket Dismissal - Your certificate will be available to print out immediately after completing the course.
- DHSMV Required - Your completion will be sent electronically to the DHSMV immediately after you complete the course.
- Court Ordered - Your completion will be available to print out immediately after completing the course.
- Voluntary - Your completion will be available to print out immediately after completing the course.
- Mature Driver - Your certificate will be available to print out immediately after completing the course.
The cost of the 4-Hour BDI course is $29.97, which includes certificate delivery. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Paypal.
The course has 7 units, followed by a final exam which has 40 multiple choice questions. You only need 80% correct to pass. The final exam is not meant to be difficult - 98% of students pass it on the first try. If you do not pass the first time you have an unlimited number of retakes.
The course satisfies the DMV time requirement. We do allow you to sign in and out so you can take the course at your convenience.
If, as a result of a moving violation, you elect to enroll in and complete a basic driver improvement course, you will receive the following benefits:
- Your insurance rates cannot go up and your policy cannot be canceled because of this violation, unless this involved a crash where you were at fault.
- Points may not be added to your driver's license record, adjudication of guilt is withheld, and safe driver status is maintained if applicable. You may not choose traffic school under this subsection if you have completed traffic school in the past 12 months.
Please Note: If you hold a Class A, B, or C license these benefits may not apply to you.
Florida’s four-hour BDI course is approved by the DHSMV to allow Florida drivers to:
- Dismiss a traffic ticket or citation to avoid having points posted to their driver's record.
- Comply with a court or DHSMV decree to take the course due to serious traffic violations.
- If you were at fault in a traffic collision and were ordered to take the course.
- Voluntarily take the course in order to reduce your insurance rates.
The course is approved to meet the court's 8 hour minimum requirement but there are no timers, therefore the length of time you spend in the course is up to you.
Your certificate will be available for you to print out immediately after you complete the course.
The cost of the 8-Hour Court Ordered course is $49.97 which includes certificate delivery. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.
The course has 8 units, followed by a final exam which has 40 multiple choice questions. You only need 80% correct to pass. The final exam is not meant to be difficult - 98% of students pass it on the first try. If you do not pass the first time you have an unlimited number of retakes.
The course satisfies the DMV time requirement. We do allow you to sign in and out so you can take the course at your convenience.
The course is approved to meet the state’s 12 hour minimum requirement, but it can not be taken all at once. After the first six hours of course content, you must wait 24 hours before you can move onto the second half of the course.
As mandated by the State of Florida, you have 90 days from the date of registration to complete the course.
- How and when will I receive my certificate?
You will receive an enrollment certificate after registration allowing you to apply for a hardship license. - Your completion certificate is sent to the court/DMV and a printable download provided immediately upon completion; according to the court or DMV requirements.
The cost of the 12-Hour ADIcourse is $59.97, which includes certificate delivery. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Paypal.
The course is approved to meet the state’s 12-hour minimum requirement. The 12 hours consists of 10.5 hours of content and 1.5 hours of breaks.
The course itself is text-based but includes video, breaks, and interactive exercises. At the end of each unit, you will answer scenario questions that will require a minimum of 50 words. The scenario questions are based on driving situations, habits, and behaviors. Though there is no right or wrong answer, you must answer the questions thoughtfully.
After the first six hours of course content, you must wait 24 hours before you can move onto the second half of the course. During this time your scenario questions will be manually reviewed to ensure they meet the required standards.
After the coursework has been completed and your scenario questions have been approved, you can proceed to the final exam.
The final exam is 10 essay questions - similar to the end of unit scenario questions. After you submit your questions, you must wait for your questions to be manually reviewed before we process your certificate of completion
Drivers must complete an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course for the following reasons.
- Required if your license has been Suspended or Revoked due to excessive Points.
- Required if you are a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) Revocation.
- Required if court-ordered by a Judge.
- Receive your Florida Hardship License and get your driving privileges reinstated.
- Florida DMV Requirement to Complete a "3 Collisions in 3 Years" course.
- DMV Required (Out of State Ticket) - If you received a traffic citation out of state and received a notice from Tallahassee requiring you to attend ADI.
Once enrolled you will receive a certificate of enrollment.
- Fill out the FL-DHSMV Division of Driver Licenses Bureau of Administration Reviews Application for Hardship License Form: Application for Hardship License Form.
- Go to your local DHSMV office and submit your Application for Hardship License Form along with both your 30-day driving record that you receive from the county clerk and your certificate of enrollment we provided you to the Florida Bureau of Administrative Review Office.
- After receiving your hardship license you must complete the Florida 12 Hour ADI (Aggressive Driver Improvement) course in order to have your driver’s license reinstated. (In most situations if you are a habitual offender (HTO) you will need to finish the 12 Hour ADI course prior to applying for a hardship license.)
After completing the course, and once your suspension time has expired, you can request a full license reinstatement at the same Florida Bureau of Administrative Review Office.
The course is approved to meet the state's 6 hour minimum requirement but there are no timers, therefore the length of time you spend in the course is up to you.
Your certificate will be available for you to print out immediately after you complete the course.
The cost of the Mature Driver course is $29.97. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Paypal.
The course has 11 units, followed by a final exam which has 40 multiple choice questions. You only need 80% correct to pass. The final exam is not meant to be difficult - 98% of students pass it on the first try. If you do not pass the first time, you have an unlimited number of retakes.
The course satisfies the DMV time requirement. We do allow you to sign in and out so you can take the course at your convenience.