What’s the Deal with All These Potholes?

Have you ever wondered what causes potholes and why they take so long to get fixed? Learn everything you ever wanted to know about potholes.

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5 Traffic Laws You Might Not Realize You Broke

We all make driving mistakes now and then, but it’s important to constantly drive defensively and do our best to avoid committing traffic violations.

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AZ Defensive Driving vs. Traffic Survival School, What’s the Difference?

If you get a ticket in Arizona, be aware that there are two completely different types of “traffic schools”, and there are big differences between the two.

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Don't Let Your Age Keep You From Driving: Senior Driving Tips

If you're a senior, you can avoid becoming that crusty old "bad driver" cliche by following these tips.

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How to Be a Designated Driver: Tips for Newbies

Whether you're of legal drinking age or not, you may get asked to be a designated driver (DD). Here are some pointers on how to be a designated driver.

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5 Reasons To Love Manual Cars

Driving a stick is a lost art that gives you a thrilling fulfillment and saves you money. There are endless benefits to learning the art of shifting gears.

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Valet Parking Safety

Safety tips to help you stay safe when taking advantage of valet parking. The more you know about the process, the safer you'll be.

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Four Ways to Avoid Running a Red Light

The reality is that intersections are complicated and dangerous. Here are a few steps you can take to be prepared to stop safely at the next red light.

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Speak Up & Save Lives On New Year’s

About 42% of New Year’s traffic fatalities are alcohol related; a higher percentage than any other holiday. These tips help you make safe driving decisions.

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Wildlife Vehicle Collisions Rise in the Fall

As you prepare for fall driving hazards like fallen leaves, icy roads, and sun glare, make sure you also stay alert for deer and other animals on the road.

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