4 Important Considerations When Trying To Beat a Traffic Ticket
Did you know you may have options for appealing a speeding ticket? Beating a speeding ticket, or other kind of traffic violation, may not seem like it would be of much consequence, but it can help you in the long run. Whether you’re trying to lower your insurance rates, or just want to keep your driving record clean, here are some tips to help you beat a traffic ticket. (Please note that this article assumes that you’ve only broken traffic laws and not violated other laws.)
From the moment you’re pulled over, you need to be in the mindset of preventing or fighting a ticket. That is not to say, however, that you should be fighting physically. You should never threaten the police or give them any reason to get angry with you. Turn off your car, turn on your interior lights, and keep your hands on your steering wheel. (Don’t get out of your car!) You want to take the tension out of the situation and make sure that everyone is comfortable, both you and the officer.
If you’re polite, you’re less likely to make an enemy. Once you’ve done what you’ve been asked to do and the officer has said his part, you can say yours. If you’re perfectly aware that you’ve broken the law, then admit it. Sometimes an officer won’t bother to ticket you if you let them know that you’re aware and won’t do it again. If you feel the need to plead your case, do so politely. Be sure you leave the scene politely and non-aggressively. If the officer who issued the ticket doesn’t remember you, that’s probably a good thing.
Still Have a Ticket and Want It Gone?
You have the right to appeal to the officer. If you can call the officer and arrange a time to meet, they’re generally willing to talk. Granted, it’s difficult to talk an officer out of a ticket after the fact since it didn’t work the first time, but you do have the right to try. Be kind, courteous, and polite, just like before, and know that the officer is in his right to drop the ticket or leave it standing.
If you don’t feel up to meeting the officer face to face, you can always write him a letter. Granted, this is a good idea even if you have met with him. The key to getting the officer to drop the ticket is to professionally make the ticket a bigger deal to you than it is to him. Be tenacious but not overbearing.
Of course, if the officer won’t listen to you, you can always contact the judge and/or prosecutor. At this point, the worst they can do is say “no”. Plead your case to them, but don’t be annoying about it. While persistence is good, obnoxious over-bearance will get you nowhere.
Heading to Court?
If the ticket goes all the way to court, you can still fight it. Follow all the rules of the court, and make the court employees’ jobs as easy as possible. Again, politeness will get you far here, as you need to be sure you’re in touch with the court. You don’t want to miss any deadlines or important dates.
Delay your trial for as long as you possibly can. Don’t lie to get the continuances (delays) but try to push your court date out as far as possible so that the officer has less of a chance of remembering you.
Can't be Dropped?
If your ticket can’t be dropped for whatever reason, then the key is to keep it off your insurance and driving record. In this case, you should ask for alternative punishments. Traffic school is often the way to go in this situation, and if that’s what you choose, then you should choose America's number one online traffic school at TrafficSchoolOnline.com to keep that ticket off your record.